Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Exams. Insert Crazy Onomatopoeia Here

Warning, semi-rant is contained below. If you would like to skip, please go right ahead.

If you skipped the warning, I guess you are here to read this. I have a question for you. Do you remember the days in school where you were happy you had a test? Huh? What was that? Oh, ya, I agree, there were none. I have had that feeling many times, and it is not a good one. But, now more then ever am I feeling it. I have exams, which are tests that are stretched in length and require you to know the first half of the years material. I have never had them, and now we all of a sudden do. I had a Biology Exam today, which made me write 3 "essays" which had 3 parts to each. I wrote about 7 lines of information for each part, ending up with 9 different parts. My hand felt like it was going to fall off. I then had a Latin exam, and I wasn't too prepared. Why could we not have just had a normal test in each class just like Middle School? I don't know why the word exam scares me, but it just does. Tomorrow I have a Geometry Exam and a Global Cities Exam. Yay. I should go and study, but I just wanted to write up a short post on how my life is right now. To add into all of this mix, I have tech week in a play I am doing in Evanston, which meets for the main portion of the night, so I have to end up studying at around 9:30. Luckily I didn't go today, so I could have more time, but tomorrow and yesterday were and will be torture. Why is life this cruel! Well, I think I have ranted enough, so I will go and study. Hope some of you can feel the same pain as I do at this moment.

All for now, and hopefully a more cheery post soon.


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